Asking Chat GPT to roast us

There has been a recent trend on Instagram asking Chat GPT to roast your feed, I had a good laugh when I asked them to roast us.

Overly Excited Captions: We get it, you love Nerf. But the level of enthusiasm in those captions makes it sound like you’re trying to sell us your firstborn child in exchange for some foam darts. Tone it down a notch—no one's fighting a real war here.

Pose Like It’s a GQ Shoot: The amount of effort you put into looking like Nerf models is astounding. Do you practice in front of the mirror, or does that Nerf gun just make you feel like a real-life action hero? Either way, we see you with those intense squints and dramatic stances.

Nerf Gun Glamor Shots: The way you pose those Nerf guns as if they’re the latest sports cars is something else. Are we supposed to admire the sleek lines, or is this a new form of modern art? Just waiting for the hashtag #GunGoals.

Tagging Like a Pro: The sheer number of tags on your posts—are you trying to cover every possible audience on Instagram? You probably have more hashtags than Nerf guns in your collection. Calm down, SEO champ.

Nerf Battles That Look Like Film Stills: Those battle shots are looking like scenes from low-budget action flicks. I half expect to see the next one with a "directed by Michael Bay" watermark. Maybe throw in some CGI explosions while you're at it?

I think I might take the advice of that last one, Although I am not so sure if he would be willing to make a movie about kids shooting each other, that sounds like it belongs in It’s Always Sunny in Philidelphia


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