Broken Ankles and Nerf parties
If you have been to my review section you may notice that I have one bad review due to a cancellation. You see the thing is, I canceled this party 9 days before the party for 2 reasons.
1: I broke my Ankle
2: they hadn’t paid a deposit.
I emailed them about this and naturally, they weren’t happy about the cancellation and left me a review without even acknowledging my broken ankle, despite the fact that they knew. It’s almost as if they were trying to make me seem the bad guy in this and ruin my business for it.
So how have I managed with my Nerf Parties with this ankle? Luckily I have friends. Friends who have managed to pick me up and take me to the parties as well as allow me to boss them around. Even with these friends which I am incredibly grateful for, these Nerf Parties are still extremely difficult. I can’t fix the obstacles when they fall over, I can’t participate and shoot your kids. Luckily my friends can!
And what’s even better, I have now have employees. I have people who can go and shoot your kids when I am unavailable. This also means that I can now have more than one Nerf party running at the same time. If anything this is the year of growth.
2022 my start with a broken ankle but it will end with a larger and more successful business.